Play an amazing Tic Tac Toe and watch it with your Chromecast!
Play an amazing Tic Tac Toe against your friend or your device. You can play it on your device without Chromecast (TM), but with Chromecast (TM) you can also watch it on your TV.
Currently 10 levels are implemented. When you play against your device you can choose between different robots:
_ stupid robot: makes moves by chance
_ normal robot: looks ahead one move
_ cute robot: analyses the game tree
If there is a Chromecast (TM) available via WiFi the Chromecast (TM) symbol is shown and by connection to it you can watch the game at your TV.
Privacy Policy
This app does not submit any individual data.
Supported Android Versions and Tests
To run this application at least Android version 3.0 (API level 11) is required. Tests have been performed with the following devices:
_ Google Nexus 5 (TM) with Android Version 4.4
_ HTC One Mini (TM) with Android Version 4.2
_ HTC One S (TM) with Android Version 4.1.1
_ Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 with Android Version 4.3
_ Google Nexus 7 (TM)
Please read the End-User License Agreement carefully, as you agree to it by downloading this application.
Trademarks and Licenses
Android, Chromecast, Google Nexus 5, and Google Nexus 7 are trademarks of Google Inc. HTC One S and HTC One Mini are trademarks of HTC Corporation. Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 is a trademark of Samsung Group.
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